Sunday, May 22, 2011

The vice of laziness


LIFE only works for those who work. Life does not smile on the lazy. A lazy man is not inclined to work – he does not want to apply the due diligence required to get things done. He prefers an easy life to a life of hard work and diligence. Laziness is disastrous. Laziness is a plague to be avoided by all means.
Initially it might seem that the lazy man is getting on well with life but at the end of the day a person who works hard will be better off.

“Hard work always pays off; mere talk puts no bread on the table.” Proverbs 14:23 The Message
Laziness is a vice we cannot afford to romance. Laziness is dangerous and deadly. What needs to be done must be done, when it ought to be done. We cannot afford to be lazy – there is always a right time to do what ought to be done – like they say, we must make hay while the sun shines.
Lazy people are careless people. A lazy person is never ready to give the necessary time, attention and pain needed to do a very good job – he just wants to get it over and done with. He is not willing to devote sufficient attention to details so he is susceptible to making mistakes. He is always carefree about things. He is never cautious – he is shoddy, sloppy and shows no interest or serious effort in what he does.
A lazy person never wants to tread the path of hard work. He is full of desires but never makes any effort to see his desires realized. He is all talk and no action. He is a day dreamer. He is full of excuses and he is an expert in procrastination. A lazy man finds it easy to pass the buck – he never takes responsibility for his actions or inactions. A lazy man is negligent. He does not value what he has so he neither takes care of it nor does he make good use of it. A lazy man has no regard for time. He is a time waster. He spends one hour on a scheduled thirty minutes lunch break and never feels remorseful for such irresponsible acts.
He is never punctual and he wastes his time and energy on issues that have no serious bearing to the execution of his dreams.
A lazy man never wants to go the extra mile – he usually treads the path of least resistance. The resources and opportunities that come his way always filter and waste away. A fool’s negligence makes whatever he has to be susceptible to decay, destruction and death.
We must be a people who are faithful in whatever we do. Every assignment, no matter how minor or trivial, must be taken and carried out with every sense of seriousness.
“Whatever you do, do well.” —Ecclesiastes 9:10a
A lazy man does the minimum needed to get things done and in the process he still takes his time. A lazy man will ask for and seek every opportunity and excuse to take a break from work.   A lazy man is an expert in taking full advantage of sick leave and casual leave.
“Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.” Jules Renard
A lazy person is simply a waste of time and is a failure waiting to happen.

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